Monday, June 2, 2008



       Many knots, of yucca were recovered from the site. Although a detailed examination of the complete inventory of knots was not possible a representative sample is illustrated in Figures 1 and 2.
       The knots were used in the construction of baskets, trays, mats or sandals. The functions of the knots were twofold. They were used to splice ends of elements together and to form attachment structures.
       Baker, (1929b: 19) reported finding knots of two different types the double half hitch and the square wreath. The square wreath will be referred to as a square knot. The double half hitch was not found in any of the collections. (see figure2a,b,c for basic knot types) The single half hitch was used in construction of D.U. 402, Figure4b.
       The knots examined include the square knot and the overhand.
       Figure 2f is a square knot using a single element to form the knot.
       Figure 2g is a square knot, which uses two single elements to form the knot.
       Figure 2e is a square knot, which incorporates four elements.
       Figure 2d is a double overhand knot with an attached square knot, which is formed from three elements. The double overhand knot is formed from a single element, which extends to and becomes part of the square knot.
       Figure 2h is a structure formed from two elements. These two elements form interlocking square knots. Each element forms half the square knot of the opposing knot. All of the knots, square and overhand, occur on sandals.