Monday, June 2, 2008

Sandal Two

Sandal Two

       Specimen two, figure 11, (O.H.S ?) is a plain woven, rounded toe single layered sandal. This specimen measures 8cm by 15cm. The weave is identical to specimen one, described above. The transverse elements are continuous in the weave. These elements cross over a two element edge frame, turn 180 degrees and become the adjacent element.
       The fifteen longitudinal elements, in the structure, are not continuous. The original configuration of the longitudinal elements can not be reconstructed from the remaining longitudinal elements. All of the structural elements of the attachment structures are either missing or disassociated.
       This specimen, in its present condition, appears to be to fragile to have functioned as protective footgear. It is possible that this sandal was originally a double layered sandal but has since become separated from the other half.